Did You Know?

Our family of businesses extends even further!



Did you know that Mark Lane Properties also owns the industrial complex, Midway Arts, located in Coatesville? Midway Arts caters to entrepreneurs, small business owners, and artists of all kinds. Midway Arts embraces the artistic community, and welcomes anyone who wants to join their burgeoning culture of creative space.

Learn more about Midway Arts and its leasing availabilities by visiting www.midwayartsofcoatesville.com and www.marklaneproperties.com



Did you know that developer, Mark Sherman, also co-owns two restaurants in the East Falls area of Philadelphia? In 2011, he teamed up with renowned chef, Arthur Cavaliere, to unveil a one-of-a-kind culinary experience Philadelphia had yet to encounter. With their strong trust and loyalty to each other, they created what has become one of the most unique and celebrated restaurants in all of the tri-state area. Inspired by its location along the banks of the Schuylkill River, In Riva (meaning, “along the banks” in Italian) was born.

Specializing in Napoletana style pizza prepared in a wood fire oven, with house made pastas and antipasti designed for sharing, the menu delivers outstanding renditions of Southern Italian classics, along with unexpected, yet equally satisfying, contemporary dishes.

Visit www.in-riva.com to learn more and to make a reservation!



Did you know that developer Mark Sherman also owns a residential and commercial complex called Sherman Mills just minutes away from In Riva and The Black Squirrel Pub and Haunt? Sherman Mills is located in East Falls and provides office spaces and loft-style apartments to business owners and residents in the area. The community is comprised of artists, small business owners, restaurants, beauty salons, clothing designers, and more!

Learn more about this unique complex by visiting www.shermanmills.com